Our clinic in the heart of London's Soho

and we will come to your home, hotel or office

We are completely focussed on delivering high quality, personalised, preventative treatments in our clinic or your home, hotel or office. We have been to the Arabian Gulf and Scandinavia, but it’s mainly Central London.


The Effect Doctors team comprises a committed group of highly trained Consultant Anaesthetists, Doctors and Nurses with a background in emergency and high dependency care.

Our treatments are designed in-house and built upon safe and effective care developed from our combined years of medical and professional training.

Dr William Turner

Medical Director

Dr Turner is an anaesthetic Registrar and a fellow of the Royal College of Anaesthetists; he is a founding member of Effect Doctors.
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In an ideal world, a nutrient-dense diet, eight hours of restorative sleep and a daily dose of exercise would keep us top of our game. But it’s not always that simple. The pressures of everyday life, busy schedules, workouts squeezed into rare pockets of spare time, and the occasional late night and over indulgence, means that sometimes our best intentions don’t always go as planned.

At times we need to press the reset button, rejuvenate and get back to feeling like ourselves. And that’s ok, caring for your body makes sense. After all, you only get one in this life. By listening to our bodies and taking good care of them, we can reach optimal levels of health and vitality.

At EffectDoctors we think that everyone should feel their best self, so we developed our IV Therapy services and Wellness Programs to encourage the preventative practice of optimising health and wellness by giving your body the much needed nutrients it needs to be at its best.

Our IV service is completely personalised and bespoke to your particular needs and can help slow down or reverse the adverse effects that a life lived at full speed can cause. We can also provide you with advice and support on diet, nutrition and wellness to fully optimise your wellbeing and longevity.

All of our Drips and Booster Shots are administered by our medical staff, consisting of registered Doctors.